much of me



     I am a playful kid 

arms waving and legs doing sprints in happy unguided movements

I am  a nursey school principal
who recognizes the fear in a lil girl
Trying to correctly recite her multiplication table

i am a sad child crippled by an almost  successful rape
      Tormented by nightmares and caged in mistrust

i am lazy ole second grade school teacher 
who asks her student to wash her dirty bowls 
and scrub her dirty floors

I am a mother too desperate to have a flawless kid that I forget
To compliment and rather overwhelm her with insults   


I am that bright red  opel  ascona car
Whose honk s recognized by half the kids in the neighbourhood


.i am the  little Mc Hammer dancer stealing the dance floor attention at every party

I am the child in the mirror.
Ponytails and pigtails with colorful ribbons
Assumed bow legs. Wishing to be just a tiny bit prettier

I am the tenants in a rented apartment who make a spying child wonder why adults should sleep naked.

 I am the curious kids 
Counting to ten to take a peek at each other’s Twinkies .
Why does one lie flat and one hang? #unanswered wonderings

I am the powerpuff gal with the pretty smile
The druppy doo swallowing a Scooby snack
The bravo Johnny with failed attempts at wooing ladies and
The tinky winky in teletubbies keeping addicted kids glued
To cartoon network

·      I am the reckless words said by a mother. Held too long by a child too hurt 

I am a fatal case of a ridiculous jay walker.
 Remembering the, " look right and left then right" again rule half way through the street.


i am the baby with the best aunty in the world.   :)

i am a blunt friend. 
.               With unhidden sentiments.
 Unnecessarily honest....

·       I am the stretch of buildings of white and blue I gladly entered in in sixth grade.a Boarding house to be the next thing to home.

·   I am the heavy white thick cotton bed sheets turned  beige. Cuz the small fingers that washed them constantly failed to do justice to them.

·        I am the stone ledge overlooking the drive way. Crying and praying the next car  that pulled  was daddy bring home chow

 ·        I am the 12 year old independent chick. Proud at herself cuz she is taking care of herself away from home
            Battling  with emotions screaming that she aint strong enough

i am the beautiful eyes and warmth of a sister.
             The joy of a hoped reliance.
  The happiness of desired hand me downs finally handed down 

          I am  a teenage love promising love forever. too believable to assume it won’t  last. Ignorant the future pledges differently

·       I am the first kiss. Quite perfect for a fourteen year old. Until it precedes trouble with the parents and the school

·        I am a surly actor chasing off one too many  perverts off with a  hard look

·     I am the lovelorn forlorn kid  desperate for a friend, a lover , a confidante

·        I am the discovery of a born again sold out freak.
 Flashing an unfading smile,
              raising a freed hand.
                        nursing an uplifted soul
                                  Walking a new path.
                                         wholly Redeemed,
                                                      awakened to being esteemed,
                                                              siphoned from the obscene
                                                                       and saved by the lord

·        I am the concluded disillusioned old mind trapped in beliefs of modesty and chastity unless in marriage. Unwilling to get out

            I am a heart broken one too many times.
A dream crushed one too many times
A tear drop fallen one too many times
An unceasing hopeful hoping one too many times

·        I am an unfeigned grudge to excuses to thwart the real, bend the truth. To speak a lie

·                              I am a playful nutcase.
a total handful.
              .A mood on a swing.
 A laugh in a jaw.
                 A tease and a tickle . 

·        I am a hopeless romantic appearing at odd times in traces of poetry scribbled on empty pages .

·        I am a full figured  lady astonished at the world’s narrow minded view of sexy 

·             I am friend,
 a buddy
            and a family..

·        I am soft spot to a room full of books.
         ... Printed words trapped in the cage of shelved cells. 

 I am 24 year old princess of a king
                                                      Humbled by experiences
         A hopeless hopeful
                                                 theme and a song
                      Grateful to love
                                                A gem in a rock
                         A lover of Jesus 

                            HeRe To OuTsHiNe  !!! 


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