Fav Quotes

  • Remove this quote from your collection Dr. Seuss
    “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”
    Dr. Seus
  • Remove this quote from your collection Marilyn Monroe
    “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”
    Marilyn Monroe

  • Remove this quote from your collection Maya Angelou
    “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
    Maya Angelou

  • Remove this quote from your collection Ralph Waldo Emerson
    “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Remove this quote from your collection Friedrich Nietzsche
    “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  • Remove this quote from your collection Albert Einstein
    “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
    Albert Einstein

  • Remove this quote from your collection Elie Wiesel
    “The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.”
    Elie Wiesel

  • Remove this quote from your collection Sathya Sai Baba
    “Life is a song - sing it.
    Life is a game - play it.
    Life is a challenge - meet it.
    Life is a dream - realize it.
    Life is a sacrifice - offer it.
    Life is love - enjoy it.”
    Sathya Sai Baba

  • Remove this quote from your collection
    “If you rest, you rust.”
    Helen Hayes
    Remove this quote from your collection Elbert Hubbard
    “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”
    Elbert Hubbard

    Apple Inc.

    • Remove this quote from your collection
      “Here's to the crazy ones.
       The misfits.
       The rebels.
       The troublemakers.
       The round pegs in the square holes.
      The ones who see things differently.
      They're not fond of rules.
      And they have no respect for the status quo.
       You can quote them,
       disagree with them,
       glorify or vilify them.
      About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
       Because they change things.
       They push the human race forward.
      And while some may see them as the crazy ones,
      we see genius.
       Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,
       are the ones who do.”
      Apple Inc.

    • Remove this quote from your collection Dr. Seuss
      “You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
      Dr. Seuss

      Remove this quote from your collection Martin Luther King Jr.
      “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
      Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches

    • Remove this quote from your collection Friedrich Nietzsche
      “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”
      Friedrich Nietzsche

      Remove this quote from your collection Mother Teresa
      “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”
      Mother Teresa

      • Remove this quote from your collection Mother Teresa 
      • “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

      • Remove this quote from your collection Nicholas Sparks
        “I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough..”
        Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook 

        • Remove this quote from your collection Alfred Tennyson
          “Tis better to have loved and lost
          Than never to have loved at all.”
          Alfred Tennyson, In Memoriam

          Remove this quote from your collection Jodi Picoult
          “You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not.”
          Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper


        • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
          “To love at all is to be vulnerable.
           Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken.
          If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal.
          Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness.
          But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change.
           It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”
          C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves


        • Remove this quote from your collection Neil Gaiman
          “I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school.
          They don't teach you how to love somebody.
           They don't teach you how to be famous.
          They don't teach you how to be rich or how to be poor.
           They don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any longer. They don't teach you how to know what's going on in someone else's mind.
          They don't teach you what to say to someone who's dying.
          They don't teach you anything worth knowing.”
          Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones

        • Remove this quote from your collection Robert Fulghum
          “We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.”
          Robert Fulghum, True Love

          C.S. Lewis“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”
          C.S. Lewis

          • “If you like her, if she makes you happy, and if you feel like you know her---then don't let her go.”
            Nicholas Sparks, Message in a Bottle

            Remove this quote from your collection Sarah Dessen
          • “You know, when it works, love is pretty amazing. It's not overrated. There's a reason for all those songs.”
            Sarah Dessen, This Lullaby

          • Remove this quote from your collection Emily Dickinson
            “If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.”
            Emily Dickinson

          • Remove this quote from your collection Albert Einstein
            “Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.”
            Albert Einstein

          • Remove this quote from your collection
            “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
            Anonymous, Holy Bible: King James Version

          • Remove this quote from your collection Louise Erdrich
            “Life will break you.
             Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either,
             for solitude will also break you with its yearning. 
            You have to love. 
            You have to feel.
             It is the reason you are here on earth.
            You are here to risk your heart.
            You are here to be swallowed up. 
            And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, 
            let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. 
            Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.”
            Louise Erdrich, The Painted Drum LP

          • Remove this quote from your collection Tom Robbins
            “We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.”
            Tom Robbins


          • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
            “The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good,
             but that God will make us good because He loves us.”
            C.S. Lewis

          • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
            “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”
            C.S. Lewis

          • Remove this quote from your collection Albert Einstein
            “Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.”
            Albert Einstein, The World as I See It

          • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
            “We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.”
            C.S. Lewis

            Remove this quote from your collection Mahatma Gandhi
            “God has no religion.”
            Mahatma Gandhi
          • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
            “A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.”
            C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain

            • Remove this quote from your collection Mahatma Gandhi
              “Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.”
              Mahatma Gandhi

            • Remove this quote from your collection Elbert Hubbard
              “God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.”
              Elbert Hubbard
              tags: faith, god, wisdom

            • Remove this quote from your collection John Henry Newman
              “I sought to hear the voice of God and climbed the topmost steeple, but God declared: "Go down again - I dwell among the people.”
              John Henry Newman

            • Remove this quote from your collection Nicholas Sparks
              “I have faith that God will show you the answer. But you have to understand that sometimes it takes a while to be able to recognize what God wants you to do. That's how it often is. God's voice is usually nothing more than a whisper, and you have to listen very carefully to hear it. But other times, in those rarest of moments, the answer is obvious and rings as loud as a church bell.”
              Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

            • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
              “To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.”
              C.S. Lewis

            • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
              “Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”
              C.S. Lewis

            • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
              “I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”

            • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
              “He died not for men, but for each man. If each man had been the only man made, He would have done no less.”
              C.S. Lewis

            • Remove this quote from your collection Dorothy Parker
              “If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.”
              Dorothy Parker

            • Remove this quote from your collection Joni Eareckson Tada
              “Sometimes God allows what he hates to accomplish what he loves.”
              Joni Eareckson Tada, The God I Love

            • Remove this quote from your collection Søren Kierkegaard
              “The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.”
              Søren Kierkegaard

            • Remove this quote from your collection Alice Walker
              “I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it.”
              Alice Walker, The Color Purple

            • Remove this quote from your collection Erma Bombeck
              “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.”
              Erma Bombeck

            • Remove this quote from your collection Woody Allen
              “God is silent. Now if only man would shut up.”
              Woody Allen

            • Remove this quote from your collection Mahatma Gandhi
              “Let the first act of every morning be to make the following resolve for the day:

              - I shall not fear anyone on Earth.
              - I shall fear only God.
              - I shall not bear ill will toward anyone.
              - I shall not submit to injustice from anyone.
              - I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.”
              Mahatma Gandhi

            • Remove this quote from your collection Elizabeth Gilbert
              “Look for God. Look for God like a man with his head on fire looks for water.”
              Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia

            • Remove this quote from your collection Corrie Ten Boom
              “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”
              Corrie Ten Boom

            • Remove this quote from your collection Fyodor Dostoyevsky
              “The darker the night, the brighter the stars,
              The deeper the grief, the closer is God!”
              Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment

            • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
              “It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present in us; it is the very sign of His presence.”
              C.S. Lewis

            • Remove this quote from your collection Augustine of Hippo
              “Because God has made us for Himself, our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.”
              Augustine of Hippo

            • Remove this quote from your collection Gordon B. Hinckley
              “Let us never forget to pray. God lives. He is near. He is real. He is not only aware of us but cares for us. He is our Father. He is accessible to all who will seek Him.”
              Gordon B. Hinckley, Standing for Something: 10 Neglected

            • Remove this quote from your collection Mahatma Gandhi
              “There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.”
              Mahatma Gandhi

            • Remove this quote from your collection Bob Marley
              “I don't stand for black man's side, I don't stand for white man's side, I stand for God's side.”
              Bob Marley

            • Remove this quote from your collection
              “No woman wants to be in submission to a man who isn't in submission to God!”
              T.D. Jakes

            • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
              “The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go God's love for us does not.”
              C.S. Lewis

            • Remove this quote from your collection
              “Its not over, until the Lord says its over.”
              T.D. Jakes

            • Remove this quote from your collection
              “a setback is a setup for a comeback”
              T.D. Jakes

            • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
              “We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade the presence of God. The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito.”
              C.S. Lewis

            • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
              “My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust.
               But how had I got this idea of just and unjust?
              A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line.
              What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?”
              C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

            • Remove this quote from your collection
              “All sacrifice and suffering is redemptive.
               It is used to either teach the individual or to help others.
              Nothing is by chance.”
              Arthur J. Russell

            • Remove this quote from your collection Michael Phillips
              “The best things are never arrived at in haste.
               God is in no hurry; His plans are never rushed.”
              Michael Phillips

            • Remove this quote from your collection Mother Teresa
              “God made the world for the delight of human beings-- if we could see His goodness everywhere, His concern for us, His awareness of our needs: the phone call we've waited for, the ride we are offered, the letter in the mail, just the little things He does for us throughout the day. As we remember and notice His love for us, we just begin to fall in love with Him because He is so busy with us -- you just can't resist Him. I believe there's no such thing as luck in life, it's God's love, it's His.”
              Mother Teresa, A Simple Path: Mother Teresa

            • Remove this quote from your collection Francis Chan
              “But God doesn't call us to be comfortable.
              He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through.”
              Francis Chan, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

            • Remove this quote from your collection Madeleine L'Engle
              “I will have nothing to do with a God who cares only occasionally.
              I need a God who is with us always, everywhere, in the deepest depths as well as the highest heights.
               It is when things go wrong, when good things do not happen
              , when our prayers seem to have been lost,
               that God is most present. We do not need the sheltering wings when things go smoothly.
              We are closest to God in the darkness, stumbling along blindly.”
              Madeleine L'Engle

            • Remove this quote from your collection
              “My soul doth magnify the Lord,
              And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.”
              Anonymous, Holy Bible: King James Version

            • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
              “Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.”
              C.S. Lewis, Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer

            • Remove this quote from your collection Joel Osteen
              “Quit questioning God and start trusting Him!”
              Joel Osteen

            • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
              “[God] will not be used as a convenience. Men or nations who think they can revive the Faith in order to make a good society might just as well think they can use the stairs of heaven as a shortcut to the nearest chemist's shop.”
              C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

            • Remove this quote from your collection C.S. Lewis
              “There is but one good; that is God. Everything else is good when it looks to Him and bad when it turns from Him.”
              C.S. Lewis, The Great Divorce

            • Remove this quote from your collection Milan Kundera
              “When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.”
              Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

            • Remove this quote from your collection Frances Hodgson Burnett
              “Two things cannot be in one place. Where you tend a rose, my lad, a thistle cannot grow.”

            • Remove this quote from your collection Mae West
              “There are no good girls gone wrong - just bad girls found out.”
              Mae West

              Remove this quote from your collection Brigham Young
              “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”
              Brigham Young

            • Remove this quote from your collection Coco Chanel
              “Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.”
              Coco Chanel

            • Remove this quote from your collection Lilith Saintcrow
              “Better to be strong than pretty and useless.”
              Lilith Saintcrow, Strange Angels

            • Remove this quote from your collection Jack Handey
              “Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn't seem quite so funny.”
              Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts

            • Remove this quote from your collection Robert Jordan
              “In wars, boy, fools kill other fools for foolish causes”
              Robert Jordan, To the Blight

            • Remove this quote from your collection Ben Carson
              “Happiness doesn't result from what we get,
              but from what we give.”
              Ben Carson

            • Remove this quote from your collection Ben Carson
              “Success is determined not by whether or not you face obstacles, but by your reaction to them. And if you look at these obstacles as a containing fence, they become your excuse for failure. If you look at them as a hurdle, each one strengthens you for the next.”
              Ben Carson, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story

            • Remove this quote from your collection Ben Carson
              “To THINK BIG and to use our talents doesn't mean we won't have difficulties along the way. We will--we all do. If we choose to see the obstacles in our path as barriers, we stop trying. "We can't win," we moan. "They won't let us win.”
              Ben Carson, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story

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