Never the same
Only a while
A sputter here,
a drop there
Life’s phases moving through a
magical kaleidoscope.
Frills, thrills and yells
Enter through a doorway,
Enveloped by rain, pain the vain and insane.
Today’s sunshine might be a
But the same in tomorrow may be too pressing.
What is too close
Can turn too far away.
The darkness of hair
Only needs time to turn grey.
Once on the spot light, too soon only a
Striking beauty can be stolen by aged
A state of the art invention , turns into an
indigenous tool.
Loved ones held in warm embraces, later
sharing embraces and kisses with termites in coffins.
A child holding tantrums suddenly grows and is
mad at a kids silliness.
The Unfaithful becomes faithful.
A place of strife
Becomes a spice of life.
What brings a start,
Can fall apart
A toiling in today’s gown
May trigger tomorrows crown.
When the best is in for a ride
The worst gallops at is side.
An interesting continual toss of a coin.
It is or it isn’t.
It happens or it doesn’t’t.
You can hope.
Or sit still and cope.
Or better still, pack up and elope.
It’s never the same.
Only a while
A sputter here
A drop there
What is now may stay.
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