Feb 10, 2012


When you watch these eyes close at night
And stay till they open at morning
When I awake without a hello
And you silently watch as I all day acknowledge everyone but you
But still at my side you stay
                           -This shows me your love-

When I unintentionally and sometimes intentionally do the wrong you asked not to
Apologise and go back to it
And you hold me when I’m back from each slide
And say you forgive me.
                  -This shows me your love—

When I praise and give myself credit for everything you gave and done
And accord my effort as reason for my benefits
And you ignore my ignorance and folly
Yet still supply them
       -This shows me your love-

When you hold back my wants and needs
No matter how desperately anxious I ask for them
And give you all the right reasons why you should give them now
And you choose to watch my heart and my motives
And stay silent like you ain’t heard anything
Just so you can give me the best at the right time.        

   - This shows me your love-

When all people do is hurt and disappoint
And do stuff that are terrible and annoying
And I come to you complaining and whining
And all you say is to forgive them
And to let it go without judging
When I tell you how hard it is to forget
And you remind me that I can because you did same for the whole world.
                        -This shows me your love-

When I come bragging about love
And you are kind enough to enlighten me about real love
That it’s not so much in returning what other’s have given
Or giving so others can return
That real love is not loving and being loved in return
But real love is loving even when others won’t or can’t return it
And how you show it best because you everyday elaborate it.
                          -This shows me your love-

When you watch me moan and groan in anguish and pain
And hold back the comfort and relief I immediately desire
Just so I grow
Just so I become wiser
And learn to be a better me in you
               Yes Lord, this shows me your love

                                   25th January 2010  5:41pm

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